It's Time to Take Control of your Health
Posture is the sum total of every move you have ever made. During the initial assessment your biomechanical exam will reveal any issues that need to be corrected before you can resume advanced exercises like cadio or weight training. With yoga and similar calisthenics we teach you how to pay special attention to breath control and posture. When ready we offer advanced levels of work to engage those with intense performance goals. Breath control and posture rules are applied to all advanced exercise protocols ensuring that endurance training, strength conditioning and interval exercising are safe and have built in recovery plans.

The Assessment
All patients receive an advanced biomechanical assessment that includes examination of the spine function, posture screening, ordering of necessary imaging and labs, and a digital posture exam with laser and 3D cameras as needed. The exam, not symptoms, determine what care is necessary and is the starting point for care.

Chiropractic Adjustments
Chiropractic adjustments are performed primarily on the spine, as well as the cranium (bones of the skull) and extremities (feet, ankles, knees, hips and wrists, elbows and shoulders) Soft Tissue Orthopedics may be necessary to restore function to muscles and connective tissue as well as organs and skin. Examples include trigger point therapy, lymphatic drainage and manual traction.

Breath Control
The first form of movement we need to master and maintain to reverse stress and protect us throughout exercise.

Re-establish symmetry and ranges of motion provide a the foundation for long term active lifestyles
Whether you are recovering from an acute injury or chronic stress, we offer drug-free pain management solutions. Our modalities are all carefully researched for effectiveness and safety for long term home use.

H-Wave Direct Stimulation
unique electrical stimulation equipment intended to speed recovery, restore function, manage chronic, acute or post-operative pain.

Cold Laser
powerful, safe and effective in delivering light energy to tissue, reducing pain and increasing circulation