well rooted in chiropractic

Can You Define Your Life With A Single Breath?

It all starts with a breath

We all know that we can’t live without oxygen but there are other reasons we should pay more attention to breathing right.  I’m reminded every day in clinic just how little we’ve talked about the importance of proper breathing and how it relates to our health.  Off course we can get away with breathing “ok” but it puts limits on our health.

It’s too obvious to say that breath is connected with everything we do, from the calming relief of a deep sigh to panic driven hyperventilation.  When we breath we not only bring valuable oxygen to our body, we also bring nutrition to our spine and brain (nervous system) which further coordinates all bodily functions, particularly our defense through immunity.

Breathing and the spine

Breathing is woven into every moment of our lives and is intimately related to the function of the nervous system, as both depend on movement and flexibility of the spine.  The spine helps by allowing the lungs to expand, and as pressure builds around the spine evenly and in rhythm, it assists in movement of vital fluids along the spine and up to the brain.

Proper inhale/exhale technique and associated movement of the spine results in more efficient intake of oxygen, massage the organs of digestion and reproduction, and induce the release of the body’s natural pain relievers.

I practice a technique of Chiropractic analysis that focuses on the spine, it’s vital role in respiration, and the detection of interference in the nervous system.  This technique includes specific and gentle adjustments of the spine and cranium.

How to consciously activate health with breathing

There are breathing basics to learn including breathing through your nose and into your abdomen.  Activating primary muscles of respiration like the diaphragm while relaxing secondary or emergency muscles of the neck and shoulders takes time but alleviates stress.  Once you learn how to initiate breathing while keeping your spine in balance, more complex movements can be added towards enjoyable exercise and improved physical fitness.

It’s important to know that the body does it’s best to adapt to the environment we live in, and that includes our stressful habits.  The body’s response to stress requires tremendous amounts of energy and distracts from other needs and desires. Knowing how to use breathing in all can help to keep you out of a chronic state of stress and inflammation.

So what’s the answer to the question?

Take a deep breath…after all its the first and last thing you’ll do, and the quality of your life depends on it!

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